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Metal Work

News 2024

Metal Work supports Brescia For Charity

In a tangible demonstration of solidarity, Brescia has come together to bring Brescia for Charity to life, an initiative aimed at supporting local charitable organizations through a solid network of companies and partners, in collaboration with the Rotary Club Brescia Sud Ovest Maclodio and the Municipality of Brescia.
Brescia for Charity focuses on the associations that represent the beating heart of our community. With commitment, professionalism, and tireless dedication, they offer invaluable contributions in fundamental areas: assistance, medical research, and support for those in fragile and disadvantaged conditions.
For an entire month, Brescia pulsed as one big heart with numerous solidarity initiatives thanks to the efforts of businesses, commercial activities, and institutions.
On the evening of Thursday, June 6th, at Piazza Loggia, one of the most symbolic places in the city, the conclusion of the project will be celebrated. It will be a unique opportunity to showcase and share the commitment of all participants, united in supporting local charitable organizations.
We are proud to help support the entire Brescia for Charity initiative. We have always strived to be a responsible player attentive to the needs of our territory, investing not only in innovation and quality in our products but also in the well-being of our community. We believe that the success of a company is not only measured by economic results but also by the positive impact it generates around itself. With Brescia for Charity, we want to concretely contribute to the improvement of our city by supporting those who work daily to improve the lives of people in need.